Mud Jacking VS Poly Lifting
Know the Facts - making an informed decision

As technology changes, there becomes innovative solutions that are developed and offered in the market place. Poly Lifting is one of these interesting solutions that has been developed and adapted for use in slab jacking recently. There has been a lot of industry attention about polyurethane foam as a substitute for cementitious grout in the slab jacking process. On the surface, it appears to have some merit. Smaller holes, fewer holes, and from a production stand point, it is lighter weight, enabling increased crew production. However, careful thought and consideration must be done in order to make an informed decision on the product and company that you choose. When we decided to expand into Mud Jacking, we looked at all avenues, products and techniques available. After careful research, we realized that while Poly Lifting does have merit, the drawbacks outweigh the benefits.
Before you jump on the Poly Lifting bandwagon, we would like to share some vital information about polyurethane foam that should change your mind. Our sources for this information comes from a variety of places, but the most interesting parts come from the following places:
What is Polyurethane Foam?

Polyurethane foam is a byproduct processed from crude oil. The main ingredients are polyois and diisocyanate, both of which are identified as carcinogens and listed as Toxic Substances by EPA. Other ingredients include toluene diisocyanate, methylene chloride, hydrogen cyanide, and iscyanates. They are known neurotoxins or carcinogens, causing cancer in animals. Polyurethane (even best foam) breaks down in 10-12 years under normal conditions.
Let's Compare Poly Lifting to Mud Jacking
Mud Jacking
Poly Lifting
Accuracy with in 1/32"
250 PSI compressive strength
will not shrink
95% closed cell foam repels water
dose not stress concrete
light weight, breaks down in deflection
used by DOT for 30 years
cost effective
Not eco friendly
Accuracy with in 1/32"
600 to 5000 PSI compressive strength
will not shrink
higher density - repels water
does not stress concrete
during slab deflection - will not break down
used by DOT for 60 years
cheaper than poly
100% recyclable
Our "Mud"
At Scritchlow Concrete Lifting and Slab Jacking, we custom mix our "mud." It's a revolutionary mix we are very proud of, and it's why we can offer a 2 year warranty for mud jacking. While our mud is a trade secret, we can tell you it has no dirt or clay in it. A lot of our competitors' mud is made of either plain old dirt or clay mixed with sand. Their mix will move, shift, and can settle. Think about it this way ... if your settled concrete is sitting on dirt or clay, why would you just add more dirt and clay and think it would fix your issue? The answer is it won't. Our mud jacking mix Is one of the only concrete lifting systems in the entire industry that comes with a full 2 year, transferrable warranty. It's completely natural and is 100% recyclable. Poly lifting is great as the holes are smaller, but it's hazardous waste.
You don't need to take our word for it. The American Pressure Grouting & Mudjacking Association has a great side by side comparison of Mud Jacking to Poly Jacking, too.
Dare to compare as most other warranties have tons of exclusions that can void the warranty. Being a member of the Bloomington community, we don’t play games and stand behind our products 100%! It's why we put the Scritchlow name on it.
The Reason Why You Shouldn't Use Poly
Polyurethane is hazardous waste. Why does that matter to you?
When you lift with Poly, it is designed to attach to the underside of your concrete. This is how it gets its strength. It’s what it’s designed to do. Concrete has an average life span of around 40 years. So when it’s finally time to remove and replace your concrete, you can’t recycle your concrete locally. You will have to dispose of your heavy concrete and poly together as hazardous waste because there is no way to separate them. These disposal costs will typically exceed the entire cost of the complete removal and replacement of normal concrete. We all like to think it won’t affect us, but beware of this hidden expense that no one talks about.

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